Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sitting Seven Hours A Day will increase the risk of Diabetes on Woman

Career women who must work every day and sitting more than 7 hours a day must be aware. A study from the University of Leicester said, there is a risk for women who sitting up to seven hours a day to get diabetes type 2. Diabetes symptom was seen in women who are less active than those who had a lot of activities. Researchers did not find the same thing on man. The diabetes was only seen in women. The blood tests confirmed these research. There are total of 505 men and women aged 59 years and over become study volunteers. Their sitting habits were observed and measured. They observed the levels of chemicals in the body that has the potential to cause diabetes.

Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Kinect have no effect on healthy

Playing video games is not good for our healthy. Thats the opinion was frequently heard by a lot of parents. Spent too much time playing video game make the children have no time to doing the physical exercise. But it's different now. Thanks to the innovation... Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Xbox (via Microsoft Kinect) change all of this.Both consoles bring new way of how we interact to video game because we are "using" our body as a controller. But do this physical activity really can make them healthy?

Feel Broken Heart? Just drink Paracetamol

If you can choose. Which one is better? Fell grieve or having a toothache is better. Of course, if we have option not to choose, it is better if we don't choose both of them. Whether it's your heart or its your tooth. But do not worry, especially for you who feel grieve or sad. According to the brain neurologist, feel hurt can be reduced by taking paracetamol. Why that can happen?
This happens because the emotional pain is processed in the brain, similar to physical pain. So the pain experienced by a person may respond to medication paracetamol they drink.

Love Relationships can control Blood Pressure

Having a boyfriend or girlfriend will make us happy. And happiness is not only good for your mind but it can also remove the stress more easily. According to a research, love relationships also contribute in normalizing blood pressure. Comfort and tranquility feeling while we being close with our partner, can contributed to blood pressure reduction. When blood pressure is normal, we will not easily upset emotionally. Thus, people who have loved and always maintain a good relationship with their partner, will have better blood pressure than those who don't have partner.
Research that be done by Brooks Gump of State University of New York confirmed it. A number of 120 respondents were involved, either singles and they who already have couple, show the results of different blood pressure was observed after six months.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Acupuncture can reduce complaints of Dry Mouth from Chemotherapy Patients

Treatment for cancer, whether through chemotherapy or radiotherapy, frequently cause side effects. Symptoms often appear some time after therapy are nausea, vomiting, or other discomfort. Chemoterapy can also cause xerostomia, dry mouth that caused by reduced production of saliva. Typically, xerostamia experienced in therapy for head and neck cancer.

About xerostomia, researcher Lorenzo Cohen, Ph.D. of MD Anderson’s Integrative Medicine Program, said the lack of saliva is dangerous. Because, microbes will increase. This can cause bone infection, to nutritional deficiencies. Xerostomia also affects sleep, eating, and talking. Now, this dry mouth can be treated with acupuncture. Acupuncture therapy from China could minimize the occurrence of xerostomia in cancer patients. Acupuncture is done twice a week for the benefit of patients receiving chemoterapy or radiotherapy.

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