Sunday, January 27, 2013

Exercise Before Breakfast is More Effective to Lose Weight

If you have tried a lot of different way to lose weight, but you still couldn't see the result you want, maybe you have to change your diet strategy. Try this simple and effective way, which is exercise before breakfast.

A new research has found that peoples who exercise in the morning before breakfast has burn more fat up to 20 percent more than peoples who do it after breakfast. A researchers examine how the effect of exercise to the body if there is we didn't consume food at all since night one day before.

Scientists from the University of Northumbria at Newcastle asked 12 healthy men to exercise on the treadmill at 10 am in the morning. Participants were divided into 2 groups, the first group had breakfast before exercise and the second groups have breakfast after exercise.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

How Long Cough Normally Last?

Do you suffer cough that has lasted more than a week? It's very annoying, but it is actually normal. Many people consider cough is not serious disease, that they can actually recover less than five days. Perhaps that's why so many people choose to drinks antibiotics, when the cough does not go away.

In a telephone survey, the researchers asked 493 people about how many days normally acute cough or flu that trigger cough usually last. In addition, the researchers also looked at the existing medical literature to find out how long acute cough normally last. The survey showed cough should range between 7-9 days. Yet according to the literature, the average duration of cough illness can reach 18 days. Had a cough for 18 days does sound very long. No wonder so many patients go to the doctor sooner than that time. Doctors also sometimes can not resist antibiotics requests from patients, even for viral diseases.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Tattooing Can Trigger Hepatitis C

Making tattoos in fact not only affect inflammation on the skin, but can also lead to hepatitis C. Why did it happen? As reported previously, tattooing can lead to breast cancer in women. Researchers discover a new study, that chronic hepatitis C may arise from the process to make tattoo on the body.

Basically, chronic hepatitis C can attack through the use of alternate needles. Those who use narcotis or received blood transfusion are the most common reason why people have hepatitis C in 1992. According to the study, hepatitis C is the leading cause of liver cancer in the United States. Approximately 70% of Americans infected with chronic liver disease and 5% died because of liver cancer, as reported by EmaxHealth, Friday (01/25/2013).

Nutrition for Healthy Hair

Just by looking the hair, you will know someone whole body condition. Shiny, moist and mild hair will reflect optimal health of the body. Hair is the fastest growing tissue in human body with growth reaching 1.5 inches per month. The nutrients we consume every day have a great influence to the condition of the hair. Consumption of foods that rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids will maximize the beauty of the hair. Below are several important nutrients for the health of your hair.

Vitamin A

This vitamin plays important role for the growth and development of the hair. The content of antioxidants will prevent free radical damage to the hair follicle. Lack of vitamin A can cause hair dull and dry. While an excess of vitamin A can lead to hair loss.

The recommended consumption is about 5,000-25,000 IU of vitamin A per day. Foods that contain a lot of vitamin A such as milk, eggs, carrots, duck, fish, and liver. Do not forget, that your body need  zinc to helps the absorption of vitamin A.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Vitamin that Boost Sexual Stamina

Food and sex have long known to be related. There are many different types of foods that are believed to increase libido and sexual desire. A lot of research has been done to prove the validity. Actually, maintain the weight through diet and exercise regularly can be very helpful for your sex life. Beside that, eat a variety of food that contains vitamins will also boost your sexual stamina. Below are some vitamin that proven will boost your sexual stamina.

- Citrulline
Citrulline is a phytonutrient that well known as natural viagra. Citrulline can increase the amount of nitric acid in the body. Nitric acid helps deliver oxygen to the body, blood circulation and sexual stamina. Watermelon is the best source of citrulline.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Strawberry and Blueberry Prevent Heart Disease

Good news for you who love to eat berries fruit (strawberries and blueberries). According to the study, women who regularly eat strawberries or blueberries have lower risk of heart attack. The study, published in the Circulation Journal suggests that women who often eat strawberries and blueberries have 32 percent lower risk of heart attack than those who ate the fruit once a month. Blueberries and strawberries are fruit with high in flavonoids, especially the type of anthocyanin, which is known to be beneficial to fight against plaque that causes a heart attack.

Recent research about benefits of berries includes 93,600 women aged 25-42 who participated in the Nurses Health Study II. Participants diet was recorded every four years during the period of 18 years. At the end of the study, there were 405 respondents who had a heart attack.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Recognize Pregnancy Problems

Am I pregnant? Usually, pregnant women do not really pay attention to symptoms that occur until they knew that they were late. If they do not notice their menstrual cycle or sometimes there are some women who have different menstrual cycle every month, the following symptoms may be the signs that you are pregnant.

Breast Stiff and Swollen

One of the early signs of pregnancy is the sensitive and swollen breasts that sometimes accompanied by little pain. This is caused by increased levels of hormones in the body. The pain you feel will similar like the pain when you will get a menstrual period. However this discomfort will gradually disappear after the first trimester, because the body has adjust to hormonal changes that occur.

6 Food to Relief Sore Throat

Sore throat is one of the most common diseases that people usually suffered. Sore throat usually caused by viral infection, which is derived flu, fever and aches. Besides causing discomfort, sore throat  also make us to avoid foods with fat such as fried and spicy foods. To speed up the healing process, there are actually several types of foods that can help.

1. A mixture of lemon juice and honey

A mixture of lemon juice and honey is one of the alternative methods of treatment that can help relieve sore throat and reduce inflammation. These drinks also provide a cooling effect on the throat.

2. Egg White

Not many know that egg whites can be help dealing with inflammation and pain in the throat. But make sure you do not mix the egg whites with herbs because it may worsen the pain.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Avoid to Drink Coffee During Sore Throat

Sore throat is a condition that can be caused by many things such as a virus (mononucleosis), frequent breath through mouth, and smoking. Throat infections are mostly caused by streptococcus bacterium. In most cases that happen, people suffering from a streptococcal infection because infected by other people who have suffered inflammation 2-7 days before. Inflammation is usually spread by secretions of nose or throat. The infection sometimes can also be transmitted through food, drinking or water that contaminated by streptococci.

Sore throat can cause discomfort and pain. There are some foods and drinks that you should avoid, one of them is coffee.

Sore throat is sometimes accompanied by nausea, chills, loss of appetite, and headaches. You must be curious why you should not drink coffee when you have sore throat. The reason is because of when you have sore throat, your throat will feel dry and itchy, then you should avoid foods and drinks that can make the throat more drier.

Myth about Dental Care on Pregnant Woman

Pregnant women should pay attention to the health of their teeth, even before tested being positive for pregnancy. Some of the research showed that a lot of infections came from dental problems. This problem sometimes can cause serious problem like miscarriage, low birth weight infant and prematurity. It is important for pregnant women to maintain hygiene and dental health. However, some pregnant women may have heard a number of myths about dental care that sometimes makes them confine themselves to clean their teeth.

Here are some myths and facts related to dental health. This summary created based on explanation from Dr. Elsa Taruma Adhisty of Royal Hospital, Jakarta.

1. Swallowing toothpaste can be harmful

Swallowing toothpaste will not cause negative effects to the fetus. Because toothpaste is only contain minerals.

2. Ingested mouthwash is risky

No need to worry if you accidentally swallowed mouthwash. The formula of the mouthwash product has been studied before produced, so it will be safe for the fetus. Precisely, mouthwash can make pregnant women's mouth more fresh and comfortable due to frequent vomiting and nausea.
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