Friday, March 9, 2012

Facts about Smoking

No one denied that cigarettes can harm the health. Cigarette not only can harm the smoker but also the people arround them. Hundreds of chemicals spread as the cigarette burned. So, be ready to be poisoned by smoke.

Serious illnesses such as cancer, heart, lungs, and other diseases is the excess of the cigarette. Remarkably, cigarette toxins can infect to almost every organ and tissue in the body. Toxins do not only target organ in the chest only. Part of the brain, liver, and even genitals can not be separated from the shackles of toxins. Only a moron would even say "keep healthy with cigarettes". In Britain, smoking becomes a killer around 110 thousand people each year.
Against the dangers of smoking, there are facts that should be pay attention. Quoted from the BBC, this is the fact about smoking .
  • Nicotine, a toxic cigarette, have adverse effects for physical body.
    However, nicotine had little influence on increase blood pressure and heart and arteries problems. Only, hundreds of other cigarette toxins combined with nicotine caused a lot of damage in the body. This cause there are a health problems because of smoking.
  • Addicted to cigarettes since young
    Smoker usually become addicted to cigarettes after a year of smoking. 12-13 years age became the youngest age that used to be addicted to cigarettes. At first they consume less than a pack of cigarettes in one day. But a year after, they will smoke far more cigarettes in one day.
  • Smoking cause permanent changes in brain receptors.
    That's why when addicted to cigarettes, smokers would find it difficult to break away from cigarettes. There are 80 percent of former smokers who resumed smoking because they smoke just a cigarettes to nostalgic. In fact, usually they've stop smoking only for a month.
  • Although mild cigarette contain lower levels of nicotine, it would force smokers to cover his body with higher nicotine cigarettes.
    This will effect the smoker to increase their dosage when they become addicted.
  • Smoking can cause the development of peripheral lung tumors
    Smoking is known can cause several disease. The most scariest disease is lung tumors. They who really successful quit smoking in the long run is only about 30 percent from that 5 percent with continuous support from advisors and the use of relief medication for nicotine dependence.


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