Saturday, May 5, 2012

Viagra can threaten Male Infertility

There are many ways to improve male virility, one of way is by taking drugs. But taking drugs are not always healthy. One study found that well-known anti-impotence, Viagra have adverse effects on male fertility.

Viagra was found can threaten male fertility because it reduces the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg. Before arrive to this conclusion, researchers from Queen's University Belfast conduct two experiments to determine what the effect of viagra on sperm cells.

In the first study, human sperm samples flushed with  dilute Viagra like blood concentration after taking one pill of Viagra 100 mg. Researchers found that although sperm become more active, the sperm were damaged in the head (acrosome). Acrosome contains enzymes that help break down membrane around the egg, so the sperm can be easily enter and fertilization occurs.

To determine whether this damage affects fertility, the researchers compared the fertility in two groups of rats. The first group are male rats that given Viagra. Meanwhile the second group are male rats that not given anything. Researchers found that mice in Viagra group produced 40% fewer embryos than mice that were not given Viagra.

The researchers, David Glenn, confirmed that many fertility clinics prescribe Viagra can increase sperm. In fact, the drug with active ingredient Sildenafil is actually can actually reduce fertility.

"I think this is worrying, because some fertility clinics use Viagra to enhance fertility. Couples who go there must have been having problems with fertility. Giving male partners something that could make the problem worse is not the right approach," Glenn said as quoted by Daily Mail, Friday (05/04/2012).

Glenn also expressed his concern because many men are using Viagra to have fun. Though it can affect fertility in the long run.

"Viagra has become widely used drug. Even many people who mix it with cocaine and sold on bar. Our job is to open up the possibility that there are side effects of using Viagra that may interfere fertility," said Glenn.

The study that was published at Fertility and Sterility journal suggested people to use natural ingredients that have proven to be safe, rather than taking risky drugs. Since its launch in 1998, Viagra has become a widely consumed drug to increase male virility.

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