Tuesday, April 24, 2012

5 Ways How Soft Drink can Kill You

Sugar-sweetened soft drinks is so tempting to drink when thirsty. These types of drinks are not only favored by adults but also children. Fresh sensation in throat makes people prefer to choose soft drinks rather than drinking plain water.

But behind the sweet and refreshing taste, you need to be vigilant. Because the soft drink can bring  health threat, especially if consumed in large quantities on regular basis for long time. Here are five reason why soft drinks can threat your health, as quoted newsmaxhealth:

1. Obesity

"Sweetened beverages is special drink which according to clinical research directly related to weight gain," said Dr. David Ludwig, a specialist in endocrinology from Harvard University. According to Ludwig, the sugar can provide a large amount of calories. "Sugar is rapidly absorbed make it more quickly increasing blood sugar and causing panic in body," said Ludwig.

"When the body releases insulin to metabolize sugar and lowers blood sugar, the body responds by releasing hormone called ghrelin - which makes a person feel hungry - so stoked to eat more," he explained.

A study from UCLA found that people who drank at least one soda a day increases the risk of being overweight by 27 percent when compared with those who did not drink soda.

A study presented in 2011 in American Diabetes Association found that those who drink soda, waist circumference increased by 70 percent, and those who drank two or more sodas a day had 600 percent increase in their waistlines.

2. Heart disease

A study at Harvard University found that drinking 12-ounce (350 ml) sweetened beverage every day increased the risk of heart disease by 29 percent. In fact, research has just been released University of Sydney found that children who drank at least one soft drink per day have risk of arteries narrowing in back of eye, which leads to increased risk of hypertension and heart disease.

The study from researchers at University of Colorado Denver Health Sciences Center found that individuals who consume fructose increasing the risk of high blood pressure up to 87 percent. A study published in journal Circulation of the American Heart Association also found that people who drank one or more soft drinks per day 25 percent more likely to experience high triglycerides and 32 percent more likely to have low levels of HDL (good cholesterol).

Other research, published in Journal of General Internal Medicine found that people who drink soda every day can increase risk of heart attack or stroke by 44 percent.

3. Diabetes

In research published in The Nurses Health Study, researchers looked at more than 90,000 women for eight years and found that those who drank at least one kind sugar-sweetened beverages per day were nearly twice as likely to have developed type 2 diabetes than those who rarely consume sugary drinks. Some scientists at Rutgers believe that high levels of fructose intake can initiate the development of diabetes in the body.

4. Cancer

Researchers in England found that sodium benzoate, which is used to prevent mold in soft drinks, has  ability to turn off the most important part of a person's DNA. This can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and other degenerative diseases, including parkinson's. But when mixed with vitamin C, sodium benzoate can produce carcinogenic substance called benzene.

Scientists from India at Tata Memorial Hospital found highly significant correlation between soft drink consumption and increased risk of esophageal cancer. Artificial sweeteners found in some soft drinks such as aspartame have been associated with risk of cancer development, such as pancreatic cancer, leukemia cancer, lymphoma cancer, and breast cancer.

5. Pulmonary problems

Scientists at University of Adelaide Australia interviewed more than 16,000 people over two years and found an correlation between soft drink consumption and asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The more frequent a person consume soft drinks, the more likely they suffer from asthma or COPD.

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