Saturday, March 17, 2012

Delicious Chocolate for Our Health

Who doesn’t know this food ? Almost every people in the world love to eat chocolate, but they don’t know what is the advantages of chocolate for their health. Chocolate not only have a delicious taste but it also contains useful substances for our health. Even scientists recommend us to eat 1-2 ons chocolate everyday. This are benefits of eat chocolate to our bodies.

First, chocolate have high antioxidants and theobromine. Chocolate contains flanol, it is like flanoid that only can find in the chocolate. This antioxidants can prevent free radicals in our bodies and act as arteri cleanup. On the other hand, the theobromine in the chocolate can avoid tooth decay by eliminating streptococcal mutants, bacteria that can be found in the oral cavity.

Second, chocolate can decrease blood pressure and cholestrol. A research showed that dark chocolate can reduce blood pressure on the person who affected high blood. Moreover, it proves if we eat dark chocolate regularly can reduce LDL cholestrol 10%.

Third, chocolate can relieve depression. Serotonin that contained in the chocolate can create feelings of happiness. According to the research university California, San Diego, the people who have mild to high level of depression admit to eat chocolate when they feel bad mood.

Fourth, chocolate can make your live longer. Chocolate contain substances that can slow down the aging. Regular consumption of chocolate may reduce wrinkles and protect your skin from the sunlight. There is a research in Dutch that followed 200 men over 20 years found that they consume large amounts of chocolate, and they live longer and have lower disease than man who ate chocolate less or none.

After all we know that eat chocolate have a lot of advantage to our bodies. It’s can prevent a lot of disease, make our mood happy and it have delicious taste that make us like to eat it.

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