Friday, April 27, 2012

Does Mobile Phone Radiation really Trigger Cancer?

The use of cell phones these days are often associated with impaired health problems such as cancer. However, large studies in Britain have recently emphasized that there is no convincing evidence the correlation between cell phone use and cancer.

The scientists who conducted an overview of various studies that have been published previously found that waves from mobile phones have no risk to health. Research carried out by an organization in England called  Advisory Group on Non-Ionizing Radiation (AGNIR) under Health Protection Agency (HPA).

Professor Anthony Swerdlow as Head of AGNIR said "There is no convincing evidence proved that radio frequency can cause health problems in adults or children. But the risks of using mobile phones more than 15 years is still unknown, because we have little information or even none at all. "

This information can be acquired because most people had not used phone until the late 1990s.

Investigators also said there was no evidence that mobile phone radiation can causes brain tumors, cancer, fertility problem or heart health problem.

"Monitoring will be conducted because there is still little information about long-term effects," Anthony added.

Recommendations for children

Even so, HPA said that the children still have to avoid excessive use of cell phones. HPA will continue to provide advice in the form of prevention and approach particularly in children.

The experts explained, it still need further research to determine the effect of radio frequency on brain activity and its correlation with behavioral problems in children. Researchers are also conducting further investigation focused on the use of new technologies that emit radio frequencies, such as Wifi signal transmitter device in homes and security scanners in airport.

HPA confirmed will not change their recommendation about the use of mobile phones on children.

"Since this is relatively a new technology, the HPA will continue to recommend cautious approach," said Dr. John Cooper, director of HPA. "The HPA recommends that the excessive use of mobile phones by children should be limited,"

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