Friday, April 20, 2012

How to Eliminate Bad Breath

Bad Breath can be caused by many things. Food and drink has a role in triggering the emergence of bad breath. Because the food and drinks that left in mouth has not been cleaned, it could invite bacteria that can cause bad breath. One of those bacteria is Solobacterium Moorei.

Moreover, certain foods can cause odor. Food left in tonsils can also become the source of odor. Some diseases are also can be the cause of bad breath. For example, respiratory infections, sinusitis, bronchitis, diabetes, kidney disorders, liver disease, chronic acid reflux, and so forth.

To overcome this unpleasant mouth odor, you can use the following ways:

  • Drink plenty of water. Dry tongue and mouth will cause bad breath. Water will eliminate, at least reduce bad breath.
  • Routine brushing your teeth before bed and after meals. These time are usually the time where the mouth still full of leftovers food that can invite bacteria. Brush your teeth to reduce bad breath bacteria. Do not forget to also brush your tongue and palate.
  • Check your dental health. Your teeth need to be controlled at least every six months. Cavities can be the cause of bad breath.
  • Avoid foods that create bad breath. ex : meat, durian, fish, garlic, and so forth. Also avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Regular exercise. By doing exercise you can remove adverse substances and toxins from your body, including those that cause bad breath.

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