Monday, April 30, 2012

Minimal Side Effects of Cancer Treatment

Cancer treatment technology keep growing. However, based on international health standards, the treatment of cancer consists of chemotherapy action, surgery, and radiation. Unfortunately, those conventional methods are still not ideal because not all patients wasn't strong enough to face the side effects of the treatment.

In the past, China's treatment is identical with herbs, but now they are developing new methods that combine Western and Eastern medicine.

Chemotherapy are not only attacks cancer cells but also healthy cells. Most patients also have to struggle with side effects such as nausea, weakness and hair loss. Innovation in tumors treatment are enough to give  maximum result with minimal side effects.

China is the country that most aggressively developed the method. minimally invasive method is a method that attack only cancer cells in patient's body, so the side effects can be localized and only cause minor injuries.

Vegetables and Fruits that cause Flatulence

After lunch with your boss, you can not concentrate on meeting that afternoon. Your stomach feels full of gas that make them feel uncomfortable. Sitting so long in the meeting room feels like torture, and you were try so hard so the stomach gas will not come out and ruin the atmosphere of the meeting. Uugh .. so embarrassing!

When you remember a plate of broccoli lunch menu  become suspect why you have flatulence (bloating stomach) at the meeting that afternoon. Having a diet and do not intend to be sleepy in the meeting, you decide to eat stir-fried vegetables, but who knows it cause your stomach bloating.

Drug Discovery for Autism seems more Prospective

After conducted research, researchers hope the drug they found could be used to cure autism in humans. United State National Institutes of Health examined the use of drugs GRN-529 to reduce the common symptoms that are often occur in autism people. The drug may help brain cells to communicate each other.

Although it had been circulating that autism can not be cured by medication, researchers believe that the use of these drugs can reduce the symptoms of autism. The medication is try to make brain cells communicate at synapses (the gaps between human brain cells).

The test was performed on rats with autism. Autistic mice lack in socialization and communication with other mice. They also spend a lot of time to perform repeated activities.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Climbing Mountain, Beware of Hypoxia

Hypoxia become challenge for mountain climbers. People who climb mountain will feel shortness of breath because of lack of oxygen at high altitudes, so that the body will lack of oxygen intake. However, hypoxia could also arise because there are problems in the body. Lack of oxygen supply can inhibit the forwarding of oxygen to various organs via the blood.

Meanwhile, hypoxia also be experienced by people who have disorders in their respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The body can not respond to oxygen demand in a balanced way. Finally, there is little oxygen can be absorbed.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sitting Too Long can cause Death

People who frequently sit in a long time everyday advised to fill their time by moving around. In fact, they were asked to have some time for exercise. Some studies claim, sitting too long can lead to pulmonary embolism and sudden death. Therefore, the activity moves very important for people who are often sitting behind their desk for many hours.

The research that contained in Archives of Internal Medicine warned, try to mix the long time sitting habit with exercise is not enough. The risk of death is still exist even if someone spent their time to exercise. The potential for death was approximately 40 percent.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Does Mobile Phone Radiation really Trigger Cancer?

The use of cell phones these days are often associated with impaired health problems such as cancer. However, large studies in Britain have recently emphasized that there is no convincing evidence the correlation between cell phone use and cancer.

The scientists who conducted an overview of various studies that have been published previously found that waves from mobile phones have no risk to health. Research carried out by an organization in England called  Advisory Group on Non-Ionizing Radiation (AGNIR) under Health Protection Agency (HPA).

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lack of Sleep Make Tinnitus Worsen

A recent research indicates, poor sleep quality can aggravate the condition of tinnitus sufferers. Tinnitus is phenomenon where the ear or head feels like ringing, swishing or buzzing. In the research, researchers in United States involved nearly 117 tinnitus patients who were undergoing treatment at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit between 2009 and 2011. It turns out that the more severe their symptoms of insomnia, the greater the symptoms of tinnitus complaints and worsening emotional distress.

"Tinnitus involves mental, emotional and physiological, which may increase patient suffering," said Dr. Kathleen Yaremchuk, one of the researchers who led department of otolaryngology at Henry Ford Hospital. "Complaints of sleep, including insomnia, tinnitus patients can result in decreased tolerance for their disease," he added.

When Stress, Women Prone to Heart Attack

A latest research indicates that mental stress experienced by women make them at greater risk of heart attack than men. The study results showed that during periods of mental stress, women blood flow to heart tend to increase in men. However, in women, these conditions can not be seen from outside.

Researchers concluded that women becomes more susceptible to heart problems when under stress than men. The findings will be presented this week in Experimental Biology meeting in San Diego, California.

In research, researchers involve 17 healthy men and women. Blood pressure and heart rate of participants was measured during take rest and during feeling stress. The researchers used ultrasound scans to measure participants blood flow in coronary arteries, which are blood vessels that supply blood to heart.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

6 Type of Food that can Trigger Constipation

Constipation is often referred to abnormalities in digestive system, where person who have it will experience feces hardening or excessive feces  making them difficult to be disposed and can cause great pain.

There are many things that trigger constipation, like lack of body fluids (dehydration), stress, depression and too busy activity, hormones influence  (such as menstruation), anatomical abnormalities in digestive system, and lifestyle irregular eating pattern (poor diet).

Food has become one of the largest cause of constipation. There are some popular foods you should avoid if you want to avoid constipation :

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

5 Ways How Soft Drink can Kill You

Sugar-sweetened soft drinks is so tempting to drink when thirsty. These types of drinks are not only favored by adults but also children. Fresh sensation in throat makes people prefer to choose soft drinks rather than drinking plain water.

But behind the sweet and refreshing taste, you need to be vigilant. Because the soft drink can bring  health threat, especially if consumed in large quantities on regular basis for long time. Here are five reason why soft drinks can threat your health, as quoted newsmaxhealth:

1. Obesity

"Sweetened beverages is special drink which according to clinical research directly related to weight gain," said Dr. David Ludwig, a specialist in endocrinology from Harvard University. According to Ludwig, the sugar can provide a large amount of calories. "Sugar is rapidly absorbed make it more quickly increasing blood sugar and causing panic in body," said Ludwig.

Which Juice is Best for You?

Who is not tempted by a glass of fresh juice with attractive color and delicious taste? Fruit juices contain a lot of health benefits, but you need to know that some kind of juice that can harm health.

Fresh fruit juice is the best option for your health because of low sugar content than fruit juice packaging. But the cocktails should be avoided because they contain mixture of fruit with sweet taste that is too legit because of very high sugar content.

Fruit Juices and Health

Juice contains many vitamins and antioxidants to keep our body health. The dilemma is juices naturally contain sugar and calories that is high enough. This fact makes many people confused, but do not worry, you need to do is choose juice you drink more wisely.

High Dose Vitamin C Can Reduce Hypertension

Scientists from Johns Hopkins University recently found the benefits of high-dose supplementation of vitamin C to help reduce blood pressure. However, the researchers emphasize that these findings do not intend to encourage people to take vitamin supplements.

"Our research shows that vitamin C can affect blood pressure. But before we recommend vitamin C supplements as treatment for high blood pressure (hypertension), we still need more research to understand implications of the consumption of vitamin C supplements," says research leader, Edgar Pete R. Miller who published his findings in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

About 30 percent of adults in United States have high blood pressure (hypertension), which is become risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Successful treatment usually came from medication, exercise, weight loss, and dietary changes such as reducing intake of salt .

Saturday, April 21, 2012

10 Type of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer that we usually known actually not one type of disease. There are total 10 different types of Breast Cancer. This categorization can improve the effectiveness of treatment by delivering medication according to the type of breast cancer, also predict survival of patients more accurately.

The study that was published at journal Nature, compared each breast cancer type in the world today. According to the researchers, the tests in hospitals currently is more than enough to categorize which breast cancer the patient have. These findings provide more detailed mapping of breast cancer, making it possible to find certain types of treatment to the disease.

"Breast cancer is not just one type of disease, but rather consists of 10 different types of diseases. Our findings will pave the way for future doctors to diagnose breast cancer types that woman have, what drugs are efficacious or not, and therapies that are more effective and not, "said study leader, Prof. Carlos Caldas as reported by BBC, Friday (04/20/2012).

Lupus, Is it Hereditary Disease?

Lupus is a disorder of human body's immune system where tissues in the body is considered as foreign object. Antibodies in the body grow excessively and attack healthy body tissue. The cause of Lupus could be the expected sensitivity of immune system, as well as factors that trigger sensitivity, such as infections, use of birth control pills, sun, etc.

Lupus affects mostly women of childbearing age, even though there men who suffering from this disease. In some cases, there are children who suffer from Lupus like their parents. However, genetic factors as the cause of Lupus just play role only 5-6%.

The Benefit of Sleeping In Darkness for Health

Enough time sleeping is very important. Quality of sleep is also important. But sleep in the darkness also important. Normal adult sleep between 6-8 hours per day. It may be full night sleep or plus with nap sleep. And, if you do not adjust sleep duration according to the rhythm, it will inhibit hormones in your body.

For example melatonin hormone. The function will be disrupted if the sleep quaility at night is poor. This hormone is responsible coordinating body systems work well together. If this function is disrupted, the body more susceptible to disease.

Back Pain? Do not underestimate it

You have experienced back pain? If so, then you should begin to study the causes and how to solve it as early as possible, so it will not develop into more severe pain. Back pain or low back pain, usually caused by nerve compression, mechanical or degenerative diseases associated with muscle.

Back pain can also occur due to inflammation, infection, pain in bones such as osteoporosis, gynecologic (reproductive organs), and neurologic (nervous system). Typically, pain is felt when they want to wake up from sleep position. Handling this is very simple. You can do muscle relaxation, short breaks and reduce your activity.

Sore throat can be cured by Homemade Drugs

Strep throat is often experienced when there is a change in climate. Pain when swallowing, sometimes followed by fever and body aches, runny nose are some common symptoms that accompany the disease.

To cure it, do not take medication from doctor. You should try first to relieve sore throat with homemade medicine. Material is required is natural substance that certainly will not bring adverse effects to your health. Here are some of the alternatives;
  • Orange juiceOranges and lemons, known to have high antioxidant content. Vitamin C is also good to help improve endurance. Drinking warm lemon juice plus honey will help you ease symptoms of strep throat.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Drink 10 Liter Soda Every Day, a Woman suddenly Died at New Zealand

In Invercargill, New Zealand, there is a woman who suddenly died  because drink too much Soda. The woman named Natasha Marie Harris suddenly death without any disease. It is believed that her death is  related to her hobby to consume at least 10 liters of soft drinks every day for years.

Natasha Marie Harris (30 years) will be crazy when she ran out of soda at home. A day without soda will make her moody, irritable, and not passionate throughout the day.That is why, she always drink at least 10 liters of soft drinks.

She died suddenly at her own home in Invercargill, New Zealand. Her husband, Christopher Hodgkinson, said soft drink is the cause of his wife death.

"She is not feeling well before she died and does not have energy, but Coca-Cola the problem that never crossed in our minds," said  Christopher Hodgkinson, as reported by Dailymail, Friday (04/20/2012).

How to Eliminate Bad Breath

Bad Breath can be caused by many things. Food and drink has a role in triggering the emergence of bad breath. Because the food and drinks that left in mouth has not been cleaned, it could invite bacteria that can cause bad breath. One of those bacteria is Solobacterium Moorei.

Moreover, certain foods can cause odor. Food left in tonsils can also become the source of odor. Some diseases are also can be the cause of bad breath. For example, respiratory infections, sinusitis, bronchitis, diabetes, kidney disorders, liver disease, chronic acid reflux, and so forth.

To overcome this unpleasant mouth odor, you can use the following ways:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

How to Eliminate Body Odor

What happens if in crowd, your body odor stung? Surely people will avoid you and choose to stay away from you. Body odor is annoying. In fact, for some people, even they take a bath couple of times in a day, they still body odor.

Body odor can arise because two substances, namely propionic acid or propanoic acid and isovalerik acid. Propionic acid or propanoic acid is a breakdown of propionibacteria. This Bacteria exist in sebaceous gland channel on teenagers and adults. If it reacts, it smells like vinegar. Meanwhile, isovalerik acid causes body odor like cheese that is affected by bacteria staphylococcus epidermidis.

How to Eliminate Underarm Hair

For some women, hairy armpit is like shame in appearance. Women would feel inferior if they have to wear tank top when their armpit hair is thick. No wonder she is often clear that in order to keep their appearance perfect.

There are several options you can do to clean the armpit:
  • ShaveThis method is the most convenient and practical way. You can just use scissors to cut it and smoothed it with shaving razor. However, the hair will grow back quickly and potentially cause armpit blackened. To do so, you should use a shaving cream and razor-sharp razor. Shave slowly in the direction of the growth of underarm hair. After that, clean and apply a moisturizing skin cream.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

1 of 4 Women One Ask Doctor Buy Drug For Google

1 in 4 women have bought the wrong drug after they try to diagnosis their illness via internet. There is 1 of 10 such women suffer side effects of that action.

According to the study, half of the women had diagnosed theirself online and buy the medication without first asking doctor about the  medication. On same proportion, women also claim to be seeking treatment for their health problems before consulting doctor.

The reason, one of 10 women feel hesitant to discuss their health problems with family. They do not want any too much attention among family, while a third claimed to find an explanation about the disease from internet as a guide before go to the doctor. Even a quarter of women say they fear when speaking with doctor.

Revolutionary Tattoo that Can Monitor Your Blood Sugar Levels

People with diabetes will soon be queuing up to get special tattoos that will be able to monitor blood sugar of diabetics. Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Texas Diabetes Institute is developing a designed tattoo that will change color if blood sugar levels of diabetics are decreased or increased.

Podiatrist at Oakwood Hospital, Dr. Debbie Woody confessed this tattoo is an interesting discovery. "Despite have to wait several more years, but this tattoo is really capable of monitoring the patient's blood sugar levels," said Woody.

Dr. Woddy revealed that the tattoo is not easily visible to naked eye. A patient who has this tattoo have to use a tool like black light to see the color change. This tattoo was designed to change color from yellow to orange depending on blood sugar levels of patients.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Vitamin D will not Improve Brain Children Ability

Increased levels of vitamin D seems does not encourage children academic performance according to study published in Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Previous research has linked increased levels of vitamins to increase the ability of brain (cognitive function) in adults.

Researchers wanted to find out whether this also occurs in children or not. Vitamin D usually derived from sunlight (vitamin D3) or plants (vitamin D2). Researchers measured levels of vitamin D3 and D2 on about 3,000 children at age of nine years on average.

Participants of these children are part of Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), which aims to track the long-term health of a group of children who were born in the early 1990's.

Cycling Can Cause Sexual Dysfunction in Women

Cycling is not always healthy. For women, in particular, cycling can create problems in their sexual health. This condition is triggered if women tend to devote more of his body to handlebar during cycling. When handlebar position is lower, it will be great pressure on her sensitive areas.

This then makes the sex organs become numb. If cycling becomes regular activity and handlebar position is low enough, then the women have higher probability to have sexual dysfunction. This result is concluded according to research from Yale University.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

New Vaccine Could Prevent Blindness Due to Age

Researchers from Trinity College London has developed a new vaccine that can prevent blindness due to age which usually experienced by elderly. This new study itself was published in the journal Nature Medicine.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a small area of ​​damage in retina called the macula. Though small, the macula allows you to see detail something obvious. Unfortunately this disease is one of the leading cause of blindness among older adults and affects more than a quarter of the elderly population aged over 60 years.

Even the number of sufferers is expected to increase three-fold in the next 25 years. But at that time researchers from Trinity College London has had potential treatment after succeed developing a chemical known as IL-18. These chemicals can prevent worsening of the condition known as AMD.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Make Natural White Teeth With Strawbery

Are your white teeth has faded due to various reasons such as, smoking, drinking coffee, tea, or the influence of drugs? Do not worry. There are various natural ways to regain your teeth become white again. Surely the cost you will spent will much less than if you had to go to the dentist.

Here's a simple way whiten teeth naturally:
  • StrawberyThis is the most fun way to whiten teeth. You just need to brush your teeth with strawberries fruit every day. This way, tooth enamel will not hurt and will stay healthy.

    Do not forget, some time after brush your teeth with strawberries, brush your teeth with a toothbrush without toothpaste, so the sugar attached to the tooth will miss.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Common Signs of Heart Attack

Heart attacks strike without warning. It can happen when you sleep, work, or even exercising. Even it can't not be said that slim people is safer than fat people from heart attacks. But, the fact showed that obese people have higher probability of having a heart attack.

Cause of heart attack can be vary. Cholesterol in coronary arteries is the most common cause of heart attack case. High blood pressure also trigger this problem. So, pay attention to cholesterol levels and keep blood pressure to be some prevention of heart problems. In addition, the need to keep our mind free from stress.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Why Broken Heart can affect the Body?

Since long ago,  poet and songwriter have made broken heart because of breakup as a source of inspiration that never dry. Not only felt by feeling, but heartbreak can also cause disease in body such as dizziness, shortness, and also burning in the chest.

Fortunately, scientists finally succeed to uncover the reason why a broken heart or liver pain can affect a pain in the body. Apparently, the brain that responds to pain and heartbreak, is the same part with parts of the brain that responds to other pain, such as burns.

Male Vital Organ Diseases : Orchitis, Scrotum Cyst, and Hydrocele

Women and men have their own peculiarities about disease. Breast cancer, for example, more frequent in women than men even though men can also have this disease. Meanwhile, the female organs can also have cervical cancer.

Not unlike women, men also have a more typical disease attack on his genitals around. There are three diseases that attack the male sex organs:

  • Orchitis
    Diseases caused by bacteria and viruses makes swelling and pain in both testicles. Body will react by issuing a fever. Men with orchitis testicular will feel discomfort and pain that feels heavy for penetration, urination and ejaculation.

Triclosan, Antiseptic Materials are Harmful to Health

Do you recognize triclosan? These word you might encounter on the packaging of toothpaste, soap, detergents and other products that claim to kill bacteria. There is truth about benefits of these substances to kill germs. But, it turns out triclosan has side effects that poison the environment.

The Canadian government banned the use of triclosan soon. United States FDA have been driven from many studies to recognize the proven danger of products that contain triclosan. For long-term, this subtance will have bad effct to human health.

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