Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Driving Tips for Pregnant Woman

Pregnancy is a moment that many people anticipated. But when driving, pregnant women often have constraints. But for pregnant women who are active, there are a few tips to consider. Pregnant women often encounter limitations in activities, including driving. Not infrequently, woman decided not to drive alone because she concern about various things and must do all of thing by herself.
In fact there is no prohibition for a pregnant woman to drive a car. As far as is done properly and scalable, driving a car can still be done. Just reduce driving activity when your pregnancy already 30 weeks or more.

The following are driving tips for pregnant women :
  • Seat Belt Usage
    Many pregnant women worry about using seat belt when driving. The reason, the seat belt can suppresses stomach, so is not safe for infants. But this opinion is not proven, even the facts say otherwise. University of Michigan, USA who conducted the study on 57 cases of accidents, found that seat belts reduce fatal effect on the uterus up to 84 percent. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Lack of Vitamin D Increase the Risk of Diabetes

Research experts revealed the relation between low levels of vitamin D with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. In research released at the annual meeting of The Endocrine Society in Houston, researchers found an inverse relationship between vitamin D levels in the blood with metabolic syndrome, which is a group of risk factors for heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Researchers reported that those with the highest levels of vitamin D in their blood had 48 percent lower risk of having metabolic syndrome than people with low vitamin D levels.

"This association has been documented before, but we are expanding our association for people from various race and ethnic backgrounds," said lead researcher, Joanna Mitri, MD, a researcher at Tufts Medical Center, Boston.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Caffeine Reduce Risk of Skin Cancer

Scientists continue to examine the benefits of the caffeine content of coffee. More recently, scientists in the United States claims that caffeine can help reduce the risk of one type of skin cancer called basal cell carcinoma. The findings are published in Cancer Research, a journal for the American Association for cancer research. In the study, researchers analyzed the data from Nurses Health Study, an long-term study that are meant to investigate factors that may affect health of women and Health Professionals Follow-up Study, for men.

The study involved nearly 113 000 participants. Researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston found that 22,786 participants were diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma during the 20-year period.

Friday, June 8, 2012

9 Way How to Expel Foot Odor

Foot odor problem is very annoying and sometimes make people feel inferior. Foot odor can happen to anyone, so you must know how to anticipate them.

According to American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, the problem of  unpleasant aroma in the legs usually caused by bacteria and fungi in the shoe, which enter through the skin. But you don't need to worry, because this problem could be overcome with some creative ideas below :

1. Use antiperspirant on your feet

Antiperspirant is used to narrow the pores of the skin, so it will reduce the perspiration. Antiperspirants can be used not only to overcome the odor in the armpits, but can also be used for the soles of the feet.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Brush Teeth, Wait 30 Minutes After Eating

If you have habit of brushing teeth immediately after eating, you should not do it anymore. Why? Dental health experts said, brushing teeth within the period of half an hour after eating or drinking a cup of coffee can seriously impact on tooth decay. The researcher explained, after someone drank soft drinks or acidic drinks, the acid will erode the tooth enamel and the layer below the enamel, called dentin.

Brushing your teeth at wrong time, especially in a time span of 20 minutes after a meal can push acid to be absorbed by teeth much faster, so it will trigger corrosion of tooth decay naturally.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Danger of Drinking too Much Water

Water has great benefit to the health and beauty. Therefore, if the body is dehydrated or lack of water, the effect can be devastating. However, excessive water drinking also appeared to be harmful to health. The following is the danger of consuming more water than recommended (8 classes per day or 1 liter).

  • Consumption of large amounts of water at once, such as thirst or dehydration, can cause blood pressure in the kidneys increased dramatically.
  • Over hydration is the opposite of dehydration. Over hydration makes the body fluid becomes more dilute and sodium levels in the cell down. As the result, the body cell can experience swelling.
  • The fall in sodium levels in the brain cells because too much fluid can cause fainting or even coma.
  • Circulatory system is working too hard to filter fluids in the body, so it can be damaged.

The solution is, if you're thirsty then drink a reasonable portion, don't drink too much water in one time.

Friday, May 25, 2012

6 Useful Tips to Overcome Stomach Bloating

Each person may have experienced Stomach Bloating (flatulence). Stomach Bloating is the abnormal swelling or increase in diameter in the abdominal area so that the stomach feels very full, which can cause abdominal pain.

There are many causes of abdominal bloating, including diet, irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance, reflux, and constipation. If the bloating continues to be a regular problem, follow some tips below to overcome the bloating.
  1. Hydration
    Bloating is a sign that the food is not digested properly by the body. Lack of water intake will cause excessive flatulence. Drink several glasses of water will help maintaining the balance of sodium in the body. However, make sure do not consume soft drinks to replace water intake. You can also try adding a little lemon juice and black pepper to water.

How to smooth Cracked Heel

Cracked heel can be very interfere with appearance and comfort. Besides pain, you definitely doubt to wear footwear that showed heel. People who have dry skin is more prone to have cracked heels. Too long standing or hold a heavy burden can also cause problems. Here are some solutions to overcome cracked heels, as reported by boldsky site.

Take warm water and add a few drops of lemon into it. Dip your feet in it for 5-6 minutes, then gently rub the cracked skin until dead skill off. Dry it and rub a moisturizer.

Add a few drops of mild shampoo in warm water and soak your feet in it for some time. Rub with pumice stone. The stone is natural foot scrub that removes all dead skin cells until it smooth and soft. Rub the moisturizer afterwards.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Heart Damage Threatens Obese Adolescent

Threat of heart damage seems to be aware of, especially for adolescents with overweight or obese body posture. A recent study indicated that obese adolescents could potentially damage the heart without showing any signs or symptoms. Obesity is one risk factor for heart disease, and previous studies have shown that obese adults have higher risk of heart disease.

In the latest study, researchers examined cardiac structure and function of 97 adolescents (32 of them were underweight, 33 others were overweight and 32 were obese adolescents) who don't have any  symptoms of heart disease. The results showed that obesity in adolescents can cause damage to the heart through the heart muscle wall thickening and impaired cardiac function.

"Education about eat healthy food and exercise is needed in schools to prevent obesity and cardiovascular disease in young children," said lead author, Bajraktari Gani, associate professor of internal medicine and cardiology at the University of Pristina in Kosovo.

Sleep Snoring increases the risk of Cancer

Two recent studies in overseas indicates those who have sleep apnea have a higher risk of cancer. Sleep apnea is stopping breathing during sleep characterized by snoring and excessive sleepiness. This findings are scheduled to be presented at the American Thoracic Society conference in San Francisco. Scientists considered the findings as something surprising, as reported by the New York Times.

The scientists noted, sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that now affects nearly 28 million people in the United States. Lack of oxygen supply to the brain and other organs during sleep could trigger tumor development.

The first study, conducted by experts at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health for over 22 years, found that severe respiratory problems at night increases the likelihood of death from cancer by 4.8 times, rather than people who do not have breathing problems . People with moderate apnea found to have twice risk of death.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Red Meat and the Risk of Alzheimer

Eating too much red meat, butter and other foods with a lot of saturated fat can increase the risk of Alzheimer's. According to new research by scientists at Harvard University, USA. The study found that older women who ate foods that contain high saturated fat tend to have a worse memory than them who consume a little of saturated fat. Meanwhile, those who ate more monounsaturated fats / MUFA - commonly found in olive oil, sunflower oil, grains, nuts and avocados - tend to have better memory.

Dr. Oliva Okereke of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, affiliated with Harvard Medical School, said, "when looking at changes in cognitive function, what we found is that the amount of total fat intake does not really matter. What matter is the type of fat."

That conclusions was made by Okereke and his team after seeing the  results of a study of 6,000 women over the age of 65 years, who conducted a series of mental tests for four years and answered questionnaires about diet and lifestyle.

Three Cups Coffee A Day Can Extend Age?

This is good news for you who like to drink coffee. One study indicates that adults who consume three or more cups of coffee a day tend to live longer. In fact, the risk of dying because of deathly diseases decreased by 10 percent than those who didn't drink coffee at all.

This is a large-scale research conducted by experts from U.S. National Cancer Institute, which involved nearly 400,000 people. This finding applies to those aged 50-71 years who both drinkers of caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee.

Research shows that coffee drinking was associated with a decreased risk of death from heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, diabetes, infections and injuries. However, researchers also said that the contribution of coffee consumption to improving the health  remains unclear.

"I think these findings are really important to point out that our study is an observational study. That is, we only ask how much they drank coffee and then watching them," said head of researchers, Neal Freedman of  U.S. National Cancer Institute in Rockville, Md.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Correlation between Diabetes and Emotion

Diabetes (type 1 and type 2) was not only able to cause serious physical health problems. Disturbances in blood sugar levels also founded can influence emotions, which in turn disrupt the control of diabetes itself.

Recent research in United States indicated that the soaring sugar levels in extreme can lead to significant changes in mood. In fact, the findings also suggest that changes in blood sugar levels frequently (called the glycemic variability) can also affect the condition and quality of life of diabetic patients.

Diabetes, especially type 2, has long been associated with depression. But so far, has not been clear how they affect each other. Does depression lead to diabetes or diabetes cause people to experience depression. Recent studies in patients with type 1 diabetes found that increased blood sugar levels at a particular time period may trigger the production of hormones associated with the development of depression.

5 Recurring Mistakes of Skin Care

Have used a variety of skin care expensive products, but you still not get smooth skin as you want? Hmm ... try to look back and check your habit of daily facial care. Because according to New York dermatologist, Dr. Jeannette Graf, apparently there are some mistakes that are often done by women while treating facial skin.

Make sure you do not do any of them:

  1. Doesn't clean the face before bed
    We were most frequently made mistakes in the evening. The body already tired, we are so lazy to do routine things, including cleaning your face before bed. "Sometimes a lot of people who sleep with cosmetics is still attached on the face. This will disturb the process of skin regeneration that occurs during sleep," said Graf.

Friday, May 18, 2012

When Left and Right Breast Size are Different

If you have small breast you will not confident, but have big breast also make you uncomfortable. Whatever the condition, women seems never satisfied with the breasts. Don't ask if your breast are asymmetric or don't have the same size. You definitely anxious in your life.

In fact, asymmetric breasts frequently founded among women. In fact a survey in UK says that 99 percent of women have different breast size right and left, making 40 percent of us wear a bra with cup size of two numbers.

Size difference is pretty much make people can see the difference from outside. That means although you are fully clothed, the difference in breast size will still be recognizable. Then the women who have large breasts, this different sizes can cause one breast more heavily than others. Sometimes the location of the left breast is higher than the right breast, and so forth.

4 Sources of Good Cholesterol Food

Poor perception often comes when a person hears the word fat. Fat is not always bad for the body. After all, the consumption of fat is still needed as an energy source.
There are several different types of fats in foods such as trans fats, hydrogenated oils, saturated fats, tropical oils can cause imbalances, chronic inflammation and disease. This type of fat that should be avoided.

While olive oil, nuts, grains, oil seeds, unprocessed vegetable oils and non-hydrogenated oils are the best choice of fat you should consume every day. Here is a source of food that can raise levels of good cholesterol (HDL) in your body:

1. Avocado

Avocado is a fruit that has a high content of fat. But you don't need to worry, because avocados have the good fats (HDL). The content of lutein in avocados is believed to help improve the quality of eye health and chlorophyll content is a source of antioxidants.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Blood Clot Risk because of Contraceptive

Contraceptive use in women may increase the risk of blood clot. Experts study indicates, the use of non-oral hormonal contraceptives like the patch, implants and vaginal rings may cause a higher risk of blood clot (known as venous thromboembolism) than oral contraceptives.

Several previous studies indicate a risk of venous thrombosis (collective form of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism) in women who use birth control pills or oral contraceptives. But, there are still very few studies that look at the risk of non-oral hormonal contraceptives.

In his study, Professor Ojvind Lidegaard of University of Copenhagen Denmark and his team examined a variety of research data related to the use of non-oral hormonal contraceptives to the risk of venous thrombosis in non-pregnant women (15-49 years) in Denmark during 2001-2010. All women involved in the study had no history of either blood clots or cancer before the study began. Several factors can affect the results of these findings, such as age and education level.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Correlation between Cough and Heart Disease

Not a few of you who may have asked if there is a correlation between cough and heart disease? At first glance, it seems that these two conditions are totally different because cough associated with respiratory organs such as the throat and lungs, while the heart disease is because there is heart disorder.

But in fact, the heart and lungs are the organs that are interrelated. It is also similar between cough and heart disease. As described in Mayo Clinic Family Health Book, cough is sign of heart disease. Below is a quick explanation of the correlation between cough and heart disease.

Coughing basically is instinctive reflex action or mechanism of the body to expel a foreign object that can irritate the respiratory tract. In fact, the production of mucus (when coughing) is a protection mechanism that is used for the same purpose. However, harsh cough and persistent (chronic) can be caused by certain diseases and should be taken seriously.
Chronic cough is generally to be an indication of respiratory tract infections. But it may also linked to heart disease.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Eat Fast Trigger Diabetes Risk

A research indicates an association between eating fast with diabetes risk. This small scale findings supports some previous research has also found a link between fast food and diabetes risk. In his study, scientists from Lithuania comparing 234 people with type 2 diabetes and 468 people without diabetes. Researchers found that participants who eat fast were 2.5 times more likely to develop diabetes than those who took a moment at dinner.

The participants with diabetes also tend to have higher body mass index (BMI) and lower education levels than participants without diabetes. BMI is calculation based on height and weight to determine whether a person is categorized as underweight, overweight, ideal, or obesity.

"The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is increasing globally and become world pandemic," said Lina Radzeviciene, research leader at Lithuania University of Health Science. The findings are scheduled to be presented at the International Congress of Endocrinology and European Congress of Endocrinology, at Florence, Italy.

Berry fruit Can Delay Brain Aging up to 2.5 Years

A recent study published by Annals of Neurology on April 26, 2012 states often eating berries was able to maintain healthy brain function with the increment of age. The study also found that, women who often consume berries, like blueberries or strawberries may delay brain aging by 2.5 years, than women who do not eat berries. Brain aging include decreased ability to think and to remember someone.

"So great that we can get the benefits of fruits, it is advisable to increase consumption of fruits every day, especially berries, as a way to maintain brain function with age," said Elizabeth Devore, a Medical Expert in Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, in Boston.

Berry fruit is rich of flavonoids, antioxidants that are useful purely to reduce inflammation and protect body cells from free radical damage. The content of flavanoids that are found in berries, apples, and oranges, has been shown can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer, as presented Nancy Copperman, Director of Public Health Initiatives in North Shore-LIJ Health System, New York, some time ago.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Kiwi : Intestine Best Friend

Kiwi fruit had been known as one type of fruit with high nutrients and vitamin C. But more than that, kiwi also have hidden benefit that is needed by human body. Behind its brown furry skin and green flesh fruits, kiwi turned out contain digestive enzyme that can help the absorption of protein. That enzyme called actinidin. This is a protease enzyme which contain in a kiwi fruit. This enzyme will digest protein so it will be absorbed by the body.

As is known, in digestive process that occurs from mouth to the small intestine, the body needs a variety of digestive enzymes which is protease (to digest protein), lipase (to digests fat), and amylase (to digests carbohydrates). A healthy digestive tract will prevent the entry of bacteria and toxins as well as keep the immune system. To keep the digestive tract stay healthy, your body needs nutritious foods such as fruit.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bird Flu Virus Appears Man Made in Scientific Journals

Publications about bird flu virus was deliberately created by human appeared in scientific journals. One of them was published in the Nature journal.

Four months ago, the U.S. government banned the publication of two studies of how scientists create bird flu virus that is easily spread. However, the current revised version of the journal is published with the agreement of U.S. government.

Nature journal published a revised version on Wednesday (2/5/2012) online. The paper was revised on purpose because U.S. government worried about the possible misuse of information by bioterrorist who want to make a virus for the purpose of terror. On the other hand, the researchers argue that publish research results in detail is important to deal with the threat of malicious viruses.

Meanwhile, the second paper of more controversial, because it involves a more dangerous virus will be published later in Science journal.

Eye Color Affect Risk of Skin Diseases

Eye color was found to be an indicator of whether a person is at high risk of serious skin disease or not. A study led by scientists at University of Colorado School of Medicine, United States indicated that people with blue eyes are less likely to have vitiligo. While people with brown eyes may have lower risk of suffering from melanoma.

Vitiligo is autoimmune skin disease where white-colored spots will appear all over the body. Although like white spot looks like disease, but vitiligo is not disease. Vitiligo is like skin disorders. While melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer.

The study was published online in Nature Genetics journal. In the research, scientist involving nearly 3,000 people non-Hispanic races of European descent with vitiligo. The identification result show that there are 13 new genes that affect the emergence of vitiligo.

Prolonged Cough Could Be Signs of Cancer

People who have prolonged cough (or often called as whooping cough), must be aware because it could be a sign of lung cancer. The warning was stated in UK government's campaign to raise awareness of lung cancer. In a campaign that aired on TV, radio, print media and the internet, people who suffering from whooping cough for three weeks are advised to go to the doctor.

Based on the research, British people have the awareness that swelling and bleeding are signs of cancer. But there are a few people who aware that prolonged cough is also one of sign of cancer. Now people are reminded that whooping cough is also a warning that should be taken seriously.

Recent campaign about lung cancer is supported by comedy actor, Ricky Gervais, TV star, Linda Robson, and Manchester United manager, Alex Ferguson.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Beware, Stress Can Cause Constipation

Constipation is bowel disorder that can be excruciating. Various things can be triggers constipation. But do you know that stress can also trigger constipation.  Constipation is condition when you feel difficult to defecate (usually less than 3 times a week). This condition can cause fluid and toxins are absorbed into bloodstream and carried to all parts of the body.

Various things can cause constipation, but one cause is psychological or emotional stress. This is because stress can affect the nerves that control bowel function that causing constipation, as quoted from Lifemojo, Monday (05/07/2012).

Intestine is an extremely sensitive organ and can be influenced by various external influences, including anxiety and changes in routine. Stress that happens in long term can cause constipation.

Beware of Ovarian Cancer

Women must aware of the risk to have ovarian cancer. You should regularly checks to the lab because this diseases doesn't have early symptoms. There are about 80 percent of ovarian cancer cases are discovered at advanced stage. Ovarian cancer symptoms are not specific, so make women ignore it, even though ovarian cancer is one of the deadliest cancers for women.

This cancer symptoms is similar with common diseases symptoms,  such as digestive and bladder system disorders. When cancer is really being in ovary, the symptoms that patient felt will be more severe.

There are some common symptoms that can be suspected as symptom of ovarian cancer and should be examined by the doctor, such as bloating or fullness, the pain in pelvis, frequent vomiting, frequent urination, weight loss, headaches, often feel tired, pain in abdomen, and pain in lower back.

The Risk of Detox Diet

Many people who follow detox diet claim that they experience significant changes in their body within a few days. Despite this diet method is very popular, some experts suggest that detox diet should be avoided.

Some experts criticize that detox treatments can cause very serious side effects if it was not done properly. They said that detox diet mechanism has not proven scientifically. Nutrition experts believe that detox diet is only able to provide temporary change in a person's weight, which means the effect will not last long. In short time, people who have tried this diet eventually return to their initial body weight because they have been returned to their original eating habits.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

5 Signs when people addicted to Pain Relief Drug

Pain medication used to treat pain. But the use of this drug is sometimes misused. The following are the signs of people abusing pain medication. Abuse of analgesics is major problem in United States. According to the latest CDC estimates, approximately 12 million people admitted using pain medication for non-medical reasons in 2011.

A new study also found that the number of new babies are born and have become addicted to pain medication tripled over the past decades due to the use of legal and illegal opioids (analgesics) such as hidrokodon and oxycodone. The number was increased from 1 per 1000 infants in 2000 to more than 3 per 1000 infants in 2009.

Opioid addiction is chronic medical condition which caused changes in brain because of the use of drugs such as oxycodone, codeine, and morphine hidrokodon.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Viagra can threaten Male Infertility

There are many ways to improve male virility, one of way is by taking drugs. But taking drugs are not always healthy. One study found that well-known anti-impotence, Viagra have adverse effects on male fertility.

Viagra was found can threaten male fertility because it reduces the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg. Before arrive to this conclusion, researchers from Queen's University Belfast conduct two experiments to determine what the effect of viagra on sperm cells.

In the first study, human sperm samples flushed with  dilute Viagra like blood concentration after taking one pill of Viagra 100 mg. Researchers found that although sperm become more active, the sperm were damaged in the head (acrosome). Acrosome contains enzymes that help break down membrane around the egg, so the sperm can be easily enter and fertilization occurs.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Poor Air Quality can Cause Acne

Maybe you've spent a lot of money to buy cleanser, toner, and other beauty products to get rid your acne. If the acne is still stubborn and continue to grow in the face, maybe the quality of water in your home is one of the cause.

Water quality has a great influence to the health of your skin. More than 85 percent of all water in the major cities have poor water quality because of pollution.

High mineral content in hard water can inhibit skin that react with soap to face. Instead to produce foam, it  creates a layer of soap on the skin. This not only can clog pores and cause acne, but also can cause skin irritations like itchy, scaly and dry.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Combination of Sports and Computer will reduce Risk of Dementia

Combination of mild exercise and mental stimulation through the use of computers may help reduce the risk of memory loss because of age. Doing these two activities are significantly suppressing the risk of dementia. According to new research by scientists from Mayo Clinic published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

In the study, scientists involved more than 920 volunteers in Olmsted County, Minnesota, aged 70-93 years. They were asked to fill out questionnaires about the intensity of computer use and physical activity for one year.

Researchers find signs of mild cognitive impairment in nearly 38 percent of participants who did not exercise and do not use computers, compared with just over 18 percent of those who do little exercise and also using the computer. Mild cognitive impairment is the loss of memory as the early development of Alzheimer disease.

Benefits of Bananas You Need to Know

Bananas is very easy to find in many places. Bananas is also very cheap and have a lot of benefits. Here are some of the benefits of bananas you need to know.

Blood circulation
Bananas have lots of potassium content. This substance is good for body's circulatory system. The circulation of oxygen to the brain will become more fluent. Potassium also helps heart rate becomes regular. Beside that, bananas can also reduce the risk of stroke and keep blood pressure to normal.

Healthy colon
Another benefit from banana is make the colon healthy and eliminating constipation. Bananas have fiber that is able to restore intestinal health. So, rather than using laxatives, it would be better to eat bananas.

When Temperature is Hot, Ozone is Harmful for Breathing

Ozone hole is known can cause skin burns easily. But it turn out that ozone was also dangerous for breathing,  especially ozone smog haze or ground-level ozone. Smoke haze can cause severe respiratory attack, including severe chest pain and difficulty breathing. Most of the risk occurred in children who spend time outside the home, adults who have asthma or other respiratory problems.

"If inhaled, this smoke haze can cause breathing and respiratory problems for asthmatics and smokers who suffer from chronic lung disease," said Dr. Nick Hanania, director of Adult Asthma Clinic and Pulmonary Diagnostic Laboratory, Harris County Hospital District as reported from Healthfinder, Tuesday (05/01/2012).

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

New Drug for Pancreatic Cancer

Scientists from British managed to find cure for pancreatic cancer. According to scientists from Cancer Research UK, aggressive pancreatic cancer may be cured by this drug. Tumors or cancer in pancreas is extremely dangerous. Only one in five people who can survive for a year after being diagnosed. This is because people gene is turned off by cancer cells.

Now, researchers are testing drugs that have the potential to alter gene and stop the spread of cancer cells. This treatment has been practiced to mice that indicate USP9x gene which controls cell to divide has been killed by cancer cells.

Gene is not mutated, but proteins and other chemicals stopped and make the gene dead. "We suspect that the fault is not in genetic code, but a chemical that turns the gene to be dead or alive. After some more tests, we will confirm, "said researchers from Cancer Research UK, David Tuveson.

Which one is Better? Juice or Fruit?

How to differentiate nutritional content in fruit juice and real fruit, and which one is better? You often hear that drink fruit juice is a great way to live healthy. You will get a lot of vitamins and other nutritional benefits from fruit juice. But is it so? In fact eating real fruit is a healthier way than fruit juice.

What is missing in fruit juice?
Fruit juice lack of two important things, which are fiber and leather. Sometimes there are a lot of fruit juice that doesn't contains 100% real fruit. Sometimes the juice is added by water and sugar to make the taste more delicious.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Minimal Side Effects of Cancer Treatment

Cancer treatment technology keep growing. However, based on international health standards, the treatment of cancer consists of chemotherapy action, surgery, and radiation. Unfortunately, those conventional methods are still not ideal because not all patients wasn't strong enough to face the side effects of the treatment.

In the past, China's treatment is identical with herbs, but now they are developing new methods that combine Western and Eastern medicine.

Chemotherapy are not only attacks cancer cells but also healthy cells. Most patients also have to struggle with side effects such as nausea, weakness and hair loss. Innovation in tumors treatment are enough to give  maximum result with minimal side effects.

China is the country that most aggressively developed the method. minimally invasive method is a method that attack only cancer cells in patient's body, so the side effects can be localized and only cause minor injuries.

Vegetables and Fruits that cause Flatulence

After lunch with your boss, you can not concentrate on meeting that afternoon. Your stomach feels full of gas that make them feel uncomfortable. Sitting so long in the meeting room feels like torture, and you were try so hard so the stomach gas will not come out and ruin the atmosphere of the meeting. Uugh .. so embarrassing!

When you remember a plate of broccoli lunch menu  become suspect why you have flatulence (bloating stomach) at the meeting that afternoon. Having a diet and do not intend to be sleepy in the meeting, you decide to eat stir-fried vegetables, but who knows it cause your stomach bloating.

Drug Discovery for Autism seems more Prospective

After conducted research, researchers hope the drug they found could be used to cure autism in humans. United State National Institutes of Health examined the use of drugs GRN-529 to reduce the common symptoms that are often occur in autism people. The drug may help brain cells to communicate each other.

Although it had been circulating that autism can not be cured by medication, researchers believe that the use of these drugs can reduce the symptoms of autism. The medication is try to make brain cells communicate at synapses (the gaps between human brain cells).

The test was performed on rats with autism. Autistic mice lack in socialization and communication with other mice. They also spend a lot of time to perform repeated activities.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Climbing Mountain, Beware of Hypoxia

Hypoxia become challenge for mountain climbers. People who climb mountain will feel shortness of breath because of lack of oxygen at high altitudes, so that the body will lack of oxygen intake. However, hypoxia could also arise because there are problems in the body. Lack of oxygen supply can inhibit the forwarding of oxygen to various organs via the blood.

Meanwhile, hypoxia also be experienced by people who have disorders in their respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The body can not respond to oxygen demand in a balanced way. Finally, there is little oxygen can be absorbed.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sitting Too Long can cause Death

People who frequently sit in a long time everyday advised to fill their time by moving around. In fact, they were asked to have some time for exercise. Some studies claim, sitting too long can lead to pulmonary embolism and sudden death. Therefore, the activity moves very important for people who are often sitting behind their desk for many hours.

The research that contained in Archives of Internal Medicine warned, try to mix the long time sitting habit with exercise is not enough. The risk of death is still exist even if someone spent their time to exercise. The potential for death was approximately 40 percent.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Does Mobile Phone Radiation really Trigger Cancer?

The use of cell phones these days are often associated with impaired health problems such as cancer. However, large studies in Britain have recently emphasized that there is no convincing evidence the correlation between cell phone use and cancer.

The scientists who conducted an overview of various studies that have been published previously found that waves from mobile phones have no risk to health. Research carried out by an organization in England called  Advisory Group on Non-Ionizing Radiation (AGNIR) under Health Protection Agency (HPA).

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lack of Sleep Make Tinnitus Worsen

A recent research indicates, poor sleep quality can aggravate the condition of tinnitus sufferers. Tinnitus is phenomenon where the ear or head feels like ringing, swishing or buzzing. In the research, researchers in United States involved nearly 117 tinnitus patients who were undergoing treatment at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit between 2009 and 2011. It turns out that the more severe their symptoms of insomnia, the greater the symptoms of tinnitus complaints and worsening emotional distress.

"Tinnitus involves mental, emotional and physiological, which may increase patient suffering," said Dr. Kathleen Yaremchuk, one of the researchers who led department of otolaryngology at Henry Ford Hospital. "Complaints of sleep, including insomnia, tinnitus patients can result in decreased tolerance for their disease," he added.

When Stress, Women Prone to Heart Attack

A latest research indicates that mental stress experienced by women make them at greater risk of heart attack than men. The study results showed that during periods of mental stress, women blood flow to heart tend to increase in men. However, in women, these conditions can not be seen from outside.

Researchers concluded that women becomes more susceptible to heart problems when under stress than men. The findings will be presented this week in Experimental Biology meeting in San Diego, California.

In research, researchers involve 17 healthy men and women. Blood pressure and heart rate of participants was measured during take rest and during feeling stress. The researchers used ultrasound scans to measure participants blood flow in coronary arteries, which are blood vessels that supply blood to heart.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

6 Type of Food that can Trigger Constipation

Constipation is often referred to abnormalities in digestive system, where person who have it will experience feces hardening or excessive feces  making them difficult to be disposed and can cause great pain.

There are many things that trigger constipation, like lack of body fluids (dehydration), stress, depression and too busy activity, hormones influence  (such as menstruation), anatomical abnormalities in digestive system, and lifestyle irregular eating pattern (poor diet).

Food has become one of the largest cause of constipation. There are some popular foods you should avoid if you want to avoid constipation :

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

5 Ways How Soft Drink can Kill You

Sugar-sweetened soft drinks is so tempting to drink when thirsty. These types of drinks are not only favored by adults but also children. Fresh sensation in throat makes people prefer to choose soft drinks rather than drinking plain water.

But behind the sweet and refreshing taste, you need to be vigilant. Because the soft drink can bring  health threat, especially if consumed in large quantities on regular basis for long time. Here are five reason why soft drinks can threat your health, as quoted newsmaxhealth:

1. Obesity

"Sweetened beverages is special drink which according to clinical research directly related to weight gain," said Dr. David Ludwig, a specialist in endocrinology from Harvard University. According to Ludwig, the sugar can provide a large amount of calories. "Sugar is rapidly absorbed make it more quickly increasing blood sugar and causing panic in body," said Ludwig.

Which Juice is Best for You?

Who is not tempted by a glass of fresh juice with attractive color and delicious taste? Fruit juices contain a lot of health benefits, but you need to know that some kind of juice that can harm health.

Fresh fruit juice is the best option for your health because of low sugar content than fruit juice packaging. But the cocktails should be avoided because they contain mixture of fruit with sweet taste that is too legit because of very high sugar content.

Fruit Juices and Health

Juice contains many vitamins and antioxidants to keep our body health. The dilemma is juices naturally contain sugar and calories that is high enough. This fact makes many people confused, but do not worry, you need to do is choose juice you drink more wisely.

High Dose Vitamin C Can Reduce Hypertension

Scientists from Johns Hopkins University recently found the benefits of high-dose supplementation of vitamin C to help reduce blood pressure. However, the researchers emphasize that these findings do not intend to encourage people to take vitamin supplements.

"Our research shows that vitamin C can affect blood pressure. But before we recommend vitamin C supplements as treatment for high blood pressure (hypertension), we still need more research to understand implications of the consumption of vitamin C supplements," says research leader, Edgar Pete R. Miller who published his findings in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

About 30 percent of adults in United States have high blood pressure (hypertension), which is become risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Successful treatment usually came from medication, exercise, weight loss, and dietary changes such as reducing intake of salt .

Saturday, April 21, 2012

10 Type of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer that we usually known actually not one type of disease. There are total 10 different types of Breast Cancer. This categorization can improve the effectiveness of treatment by delivering medication according to the type of breast cancer, also predict survival of patients more accurately.

The study that was published at journal Nature, compared each breast cancer type in the world today. According to the researchers, the tests in hospitals currently is more than enough to categorize which breast cancer the patient have. These findings provide more detailed mapping of breast cancer, making it possible to find certain types of treatment to the disease.

"Breast cancer is not just one type of disease, but rather consists of 10 different types of diseases. Our findings will pave the way for future doctors to diagnose breast cancer types that woman have, what drugs are efficacious or not, and therapies that are more effective and not, "said study leader, Prof. Carlos Caldas as reported by BBC, Friday (04/20/2012).

Lupus, Is it Hereditary Disease?

Lupus is a disorder of human body's immune system where tissues in the body is considered as foreign object. Antibodies in the body grow excessively and attack healthy body tissue. The cause of Lupus could be the expected sensitivity of immune system, as well as factors that trigger sensitivity, such as infections, use of birth control pills, sun, etc.

Lupus affects mostly women of childbearing age, even though there men who suffering from this disease. In some cases, there are children who suffer from Lupus like their parents. However, genetic factors as the cause of Lupus just play role only 5-6%.

The Benefit of Sleeping In Darkness for Health

Enough time sleeping is very important. Quality of sleep is also important. But sleep in the darkness also important. Normal adult sleep between 6-8 hours per day. It may be full night sleep or plus with nap sleep. And, if you do not adjust sleep duration according to the rhythm, it will inhibit hormones in your body.

For example melatonin hormone. The function will be disrupted if the sleep quaility at night is poor. This hormone is responsible coordinating body systems work well together. If this function is disrupted, the body more susceptible to disease.
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